Invalid shop slug category detected [Wojo\Controller\Front\Module\Shop\ShopController, ln.:362]

Total execution time: 1715565914.9057 sec.

Framework 1.50 v6.20

Cpu Usage 2000 sec.

Memory Usage 3.15MB



    [route] => shop/category
    [path] => /shop/([a-z0-9_-]+)
    [segments] => Array
            [0] => shop
            [1] => category

    [closure] => Array
            [0] => Wojo\Controller\Front\Module\Shop\ShopController
            [1] => render

    [template] => view/front/themes/master/error.tpl.php

1. select | total: 1
SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE (`id` = 1) ;

2. select | total: 2
SELECT title_en as title, info_en, keywords_en, description_en FROM `modules` WHERE (`modalias` = "shop") ;

3. SELECT | total: 0
SELECT d.*, d.title_en as title, FORMAT((d.likes/d.ratings),0) as stars, (SELECT COUNT(parent_id) FROM `mod_comments` WHERE `mod_comments`.parent_id = AND section = 'shop') as comments FROM `mod_shop` as d WHERE slug_en = "category" AND = 1 GROUP BY;

4. SELECT | total: 27
SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY parent_id, sorting;

5. SELECT | total: 1
SELECT YEAR(created) as year, DATE_FORMAT(created, '%m') as month,COUNT(id) as total FROM `mod_blog` WHERE active = 1 AND created <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) GROUP BY year, month ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC ;

6. SELECT | total: 1
SELECT title_en as title, slug_en as slug, thumb, created, id FROM `mod_blog` WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 5 ;

1. select | total: 1. SELECT * FROM `settings` WHERE (`id` = 1) ;
2. select | total: 2. SELECT title_en as title, info_en, keywords_en, description_en FROM `modules` WHERE (`modalias` = "shop") ;
3. SELECT | total: 0.  SELECT d.*, d.title_en as title, FORMAT((d.likes/d.ratings),0) as stars, (SELECT COUNT(parent_id) FROM `mod_comments` WHERE `mod_comments`.parent_id = AND section = 'shop') as comments FROM `mod_shop` as d WHERE slug_en = "category" AND = 1 GROUP BY;
4. SELECT | total: 27. SELECT * FROM `menus` WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY parent_id, sorting;
5. SELECT | total: 1.  SELECT YEAR(created) as year, DATE_FORMAT(created, '%m') as month,COUNT(id) as total FROM `mod_blog` WHERE active = 1 AND created <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) GROUP BY year, month ORDER BY year DESC, month DESC ;
6. SELECT | total: 1.  SELECT title_en as title, slug_en as slug, thumb, created, id FROM `mod_blog` WHERE active = 1 ORDER BY hits DESC LIMIT 5 ;